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Me entretuvo mucho y aunque sea corto es muy bueno :D

Hitler was German/Austrian, not Kazakhstani.

The protagonist should have been a dog. The title should have been "The Fall of "Dachshundland"" (In reference to Deutschland, Germany's name in German; and the dog breed, "Dachshund.")


World History is boring at several points, but your words of wisdom will not be forgotten... *disappears into the shadows like the little goblin I am.*


Man, it's a parody of a dictator, really is so important his origin?

No, not really. I'm just autistic.

amazing, just amazing

i can't play it :(


a low effort meme about this game




i am now forever cemented as the guy that made cat hitler win

HAHAHAHA SO GOOD! Sorry for the bugs :(

maybe you could make an ending for me?

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It's beautiful, but unfortunately, I can't share it with my Discord friends because there is no signature or watermark for you to receive credit for your exquisite meme as it is shared with the world. 

PS: I just finished my English Language Arts exam, please do mind my dope vocabulary.

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I gotta say i love pixel art, and the whole idea of cats vs dogs was 10/10. But there are somethings that in my opinion can make the game more enjoyable, like a boss, i know that in WW2 that didn't happen but hey, this is a game, we can make whatever we want. Also another ending, in both endings Misiq can die, but at least you give us an opportunity to clean the last level that seems impossible, (Not for that guy who kill all the dogs comments below).

Anyway i really like it, i hope to see your future works <3

También agradezco que halla una versión en español, me ayudas con las traducciones y no me quedan tan largos los videos xd

Claro que sí, gracias por tu critica, si hago una secuela, lo tendré muy en cuenta

hey im that guy that "beat" the last level, and since they didn't make an ending, i'll make my own.

Catolf J Misiq. one man army, supreme dictator of Germany.

recounted again and again is the tall tale of him killing an entire army with only a handgun by his side.

those that do not bow to his grace are executed, he truly is an all powerful leader of a glorious regime.

all hail Catolf J Misiq!

XD *Wheeeeeeezzz* 

Why can't I stop thinking about cat memes?


Increible, me encanta como es una especie de metal slug con animales y encima la musica es increible y los sprites también, realmente se merece más apoyo hace mucho que no encuentro un juego online así de bueno

Muchas gracias!


i really love it this metal slug inspiration,will be awesome a ver of Steam! <


Muy bueno amigo, muy pulida toda la experiencia. Felicitaciones!


Nice game, I also like the unusual setting, style and references. 5/5

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I press enter but im stuck with picture that you get in begining

Refresh the page maybe

press z

the controls are z x a w s d

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Un juego muy tonto, pero en el buen sentido, ojalá fuera un poco más largo y hubiese un final en el que sobrevives y te vas a vivir a Argentina. Por otro lado, estaría bien poder agacharse y apuntar a todos lados, a lo Metal Slug. Por lo demás, muy buen juego.


Lo pensé en su momento, quizá haga una secuela donde si escapó :D


Good game overall, but did you really have to make us play as Hitler?


remember: you don't play as hitler, you play as catolf J. misiq


well... thats just hitler with extra steps


there should be an ending for beating all the soldiers in the last level, because you can actually do that

You can?

see my other post that is a screenshot

I can't get past the first level, whenever I get to the stairs it says code failed

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Good game but i got a bug

I recommend to watch the video after playing the game to avoid spoilers!!!

This is a Fun Run and Gun game!! it reminded me of Metal slug and it has a snes feel to it, and yea it's challenging. keep an eye on health while being in combat is the real challenge but overall fun game. Try it it's good stuff!!



Hola amigo, unos amigos probamos tu juego en nuestro stream hace unos días y nos gustó mucho tu trabajo. Quería felicitarte por tu trabajo y hacerte la invitación para tener una entrevista en el stream y nos platiques sobre tu proceso de desarrollo. 

Te comparto el video y espero te guste el análisis de tu juego.

Hola claro que sí! puedes escribirme a mi correo!

Hi. Dónde encuentro tu correo?


Really fun game but ... shouldn't you have 9 lives? ・◡・


Awesome game!! Loved every second of it ;)


Sic Semper Tyrannis!

Nice animation on all the sprites, though. :)


Amazing game. I love the pixel art. Really good! 



Loved the little touches, like how the paratrooper dogs bayone jiggles around, gave the characters lots of life!


Congratulations... Subscribe to the Channel!

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Hello from Kazakhstan! Misiq means мысық.


Wow! This is quite an awesome polished game out there. Love the aesthetics, the feel of the overall game is great. Quite very impactful and action-packed gameplay, really well done! The difficulty curve seems to be the only thing that requires a bit of polish as currently it's not properly balanced. Apart from that, all pieces are quite good in their place and a great fun game, indeed!